* Modified sources to work with Symantec C 7.0.2 and the new universal interface files.
* Found and corrected a few bad arguments to the Resource Manager.
* Modified the sources so that they compile under both THINK C 7.0.3 and CodeWarrior CW4 Gold (only 68k for the latter). Made lots of small changes to the code, and fixed some bugs as well. The Listener application is now entirely written in C (all assembler has been eliminated), except the 'lstn' resource which still is in MPW Assembler.
Changes in version 1.0b10
* 1.0b9 was released in a lot of test versions, but not as a final version. In order to not confuse users (too much), the released version is called 1.0b10 instead. See the change list for 1.0b9 for a list of fixes and features.
Changes in version 1.0b9
* Fixed possible bug in routine that creates the notification dialog string.
* Converted to THINK C ver 6 (actually we use Symantec C++ 6.0 without the C++ extensions).
* Found and fixed a serious bug that mostly would crash the Mac when a mail was received if the user was only attached (ie logged in without password) to the mail server.
Changes in version 1.0b8
* Internal change - AppleTalk.h, AppleEvents.h, EPPC.h, Packages.h, and Retrace.h are now included in the precompiled header file for MacPost (this brings down the # of lines to compile for a complete rebuild from about 150000 to about 100000 or so).
Changes in version 1.0b7
* Removed strict check for AppleTalk version under A/UX. It now only beep if AT version < 48. This does not mean that MacPost works with A/UX.
* Fixed a bug that could give 'lost connections' messages in offline mode.
* The notification dialog now shows the mail subject as well.
* Added support for alternative notifications. In the preferences dialog, the user can choose between sound+icon+dialog (default), sound+icon, or only sound. The 'Show server messages' now controls all messages from the server (except new mail). It is not recommended that you turn if off.
* To support character translation of the subject string in notification dialogs, the 'TRSL' resources have been moved from the application to the Listener. The 'vers' #1 of the Lister is used to indicate what translation resources should be used.
* Changed version # to 1.0b7.5 (Apr 6, 1992).
* Added support for color icons in notifications
* Made several commonly used resources "preload":ed.
* Added a "Smart Login" feature. If, at boot time, only one network is available (ie the network number is zero), then no attempt to find the mail server or login on it is made. This feature is on by default, and may be controlled in the Preferences dialog in MacPost. NOTE: if you only have one network, make sure to turn this feature off.
* Now handles network changes (eg. swithces from LocalTalk to EtherTalk). After a switch, you must restart MacPost to login again, but besides from that everything should work. [This requires AppleTalk ver. 53 or later].
* Fixed a bug that could cause several messages to be appened to each other in notification dialogs.
* Now handles network changes (eg. swithces from LocalTalk to EtherTalk). After a switch, you must restart MacPost to login again, but besides from that everything should work. [This requires AppleTalk ver. 53 or later].
Changes in version 1.0b6
* Changed the way we write release notes. From now on, when we start with a new beta version (eg. 1.0b7), the first test version will be 1.0b7.1, the second 1.0b7.2 etc. The "final" beta will be called 1.0b7. All release notes for 1.0b7.x will be under 1.0b7. Thus, there is no more to say about 1.0b6 :-).
Changes in version 1.0b6
Changes in version 1.0b4
* Added support for custom notification sound. The Listener will load and use 'snd ' #128 if it exists. The 'sysz' resource should be about sizeof(theSound) + 8K.
* Adjusted all timeouts (both in MacPost and Listener). MacPost should now work better over slow or busy nets.
Changes in version 1.0b3
* A possible bug removed as documented in TN #232.
* Added color showicons.
Changes in version 1.0b2
* Updated for use with MacPost 1.0b2. (Replace the old Listener in your System Folder).